Monday, July 15, 2013

The Fact File-2014 General Election The Battle of wits

The Battle of wits

Modi is neither a threat nor a challenge. Even then he cannot be ignored. He is a forceful speaker, articulative, repetitive, loud and tells lies. Since he continues to repeat the lies, people start believing him.  We have to strategies our campaign on four fronts:

a-      Development ¼çxfr½
b-     Governance ¼lq’kklu½
c-      Internal Security¼vkarfjd lqj{kk½
d-     National Defence¼lhek lqj{kk½

Now with 61 years of Parliamentary democracy congress has been in power at the centre over 50 years. Baring the periods.
a-      78-79 (Janta Party experiment)
b-     90-91 (VP Singh Era)
c-      97-98 (Third Front Experiment)
d-     99-04 (NDA regieme)

Whenever non congress govts have been in power (total 11 years out of 61 years) the “Nation” has been pushed back by more than 3-4 years for every year of non- congress govt. This all can be proved statistically.

Modi is a new phenomena his presence would have some effect due to his communal and fundamentalists approach.

The country can be divided into four categories to counter the effect. 

Modi Effect-
High  - Gujrat, Rajasthan, UP, MP (Nearly 170 Seats)
Med - Delhi, Punjab, UKD, Chattisgarh, Haryana, HP, Bihar+JKD (Nearly 120 Seats)
Low - Karnataka/Andhra/Tamilnadu/Kerla/Odisha/Sikkim/West Bengal/Assam

Negligible - NE-States/Pondicherry 

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