Saturday, October 21, 2017

Modi Sarkar/Policy Initiatives and its Fallout 6/2017 (22 October 2017)

Hon’ble PM of India Shri Modi Ji

Tourism Part – 1

Tourism for any country is a big industry. Generates tremendous Job opportunities, a foreign exchange earner, creates favorable image of the country to invite business ventures from abroad.
But our dilemma is Atithi Devo Bow Bow. What foreigners may make of diet advice given by India’s new tourism minister – It is generally accepted that travel broadens the mind and widens the horizons. Going by the advice to India-bound travelers from the new tourism minister KJ Alphorns, it can also induce constipation, hunger and bellyaches, among other conditions. In a moment of great insight that does justice to the portfolio he has been given the minister has suggested that since beef is becoming a no-no in modern India, foreigners could eat their fill of red meat in their home country before coming to India.
The minister further says – Because our air and water is so polluted, visitors can finish their breathing, hydration, bathing, etc before coming to India. We expect them to hold their breath while in India.
As the India’s tourism minister was not enough another controversy about TAJ MAHAL has been raised initially by cultural minister (Chaudhary of UP) about TAJ MAHAL.

Feudal Obsession :- By tilting against Taj Mahal and Mughals, BJP undermines development rhetoric of the PM After UP BJP MlA Sangeet Som bashed the Taj Mahal-the one iconic Indian monument that is recognized world wide – BJP spokes person GVL Narasimha Rao chose to stoke further controversy by describing Mughal rule as Barbaric, a period of Incomparable Intolerance. This gives an impression as the spokes person of the BJP is describing the present rule of the BJP.
One can easily say that the present govt. is not serious about Tourism. Tourists gets attracted only when the environment of the country is friendly safe, secure, and amicable. Only GOD can help this country to invite tourists.

Weakly Happenings

(a)    CM Yogi in Ayodhya. The celebrations are to be admired in Ayodhya. However what about promises of election agenda. Power, Law and Order, Women’s Safety, Pot Holes on Roads all are the same or are getting worse day by day.
(b)    PM in J&K (LOC, and IB) and at Kedarnath – it is encouraging and morale boosting for the troops. But the happenings along the LOC are on the increase. Body bags continue to be as a regular feature, when do we see any sign of reduction in such happenings. The PM also went to Kedarnath and made a tall claim of is earlier visit in 2013 as CM of Gujrat that “I would have saved the situation better”.
(c)    All these visits / statements by the CM and the PM are diversionary tactics.

 Wake up India, Stakes are high, are we the people of India Vigilant.

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