
Saturday, July 29, 2017

Fact File 6/2017 - Wake up India (30th July - 2017)

Hon’ble PM of India Shri Modi Ji    
Kashmir Continues to Burn.
As it is happening the valley, saddens any Indian. Now on 15 July PDP Chief and CM Mehbooba Mufti added an other bowl of fuel in fire. “She says China is also involved and meddling in Kashmir.” Honorable P.M. you have to advise your allied
a)      To shut up not to make any foreign policy statement.
b)      Don’t keep ties with any immature politicians.
c)      And PM Sir you would appreciate hardened attitude has never won a war and brought PEACE. The examples are many but few are US in Vietnam, US in Iraq, Soviets in Afghanistan (1979 to 1989), US in Afghanistan since October 2001 till now.

Specialist Comment:
Those who sow Hindu terror will reap Muslim terror says Swaminathan Aiyar. Prime Minister Modi and his partymen wax eloquent about the need to tackle and end terrorism. But what exactly is terrorism? The dictionary definition is “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians in the pursuit of political aims”. Going by this definition, the lynch mobs that beat up and kill people suspected of carrying beef are terrorists. So too are Muslim lynch mobs killing policemen in Kashmir. All these lynch mobs are unlawful, use violence against civilians, and have religio political goals. They fit the definition of “Terrorist” like a glove.
If Hindu-Muslim terror escalates today, it will not easily be doused. I fear that those who sow Hindu violence will reap Muslim violence and vice versa, in a vicious spiral.

Weekly Special :
The actions initiated against Hurriat are praiseworthy However the CM of J&K expresses “actions against Hurriat are of no consequences.
Bihar happenings – the last hope of opposition unity or any threat to RSS/BJP literally vanish. Nitish  Kumar has beaten the politics of ‘Aya Ram’ / Gaya Ram of Bhajan Lal era in the eighties.
Dirty tricks dept. of BJP has been hyper active. They were not satisfied in Bihar. They have now applied Todo, Jodo, & Moro tactics in Gujrat and quite succeeded. Long live AS And NM.

We have to decide

Stakes are high, are we the people of India Vigilant.

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