
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Fact File 3/2017 - Wake up India (16-07-2017)

Modi in US and Germany (G-20 Summit)  
Hon. PM of India
Certain facts need to be elaborated a
(a)              Barak Obama was from a modest background who had an upward swing due to his    extraordinary connectivity with the people. You could easily connect with him.
(b)              Donald Trump is a different kind of fish. He is one of the richest businessman in US He is very fond of aristocratic style of life. Melenia is just his third wife. He is erratic untrustworthy, unpredictable and can never be trusted for long term plans and decisions.
(c)              He is comparable to our Mulayam Singh Yadav for his above mentioned qualities and also for having placed all kith and kin in all suitable appointment in the White House.
(d)              Why did Trump forced himself to embrace you. In the last 5-6 months Trumps popularity has come down from 62% to 22%. Through his gestures Trump was trying to influence the Indian fraternity and enhance his popularity level. Sorry to say neither  you raised the issue of H-1 Visa nor Trump thought it viable. Which hurting the most Indians.
(e)              Modi ji you were very happy that Salauddin was placed in global terrorist category by the US. Sir what about Daud, Masood Azhar, Hafiz Sahid, Lakhvi an now even Nawaz Sh
(f)               arif (the PM of PAK) deserves to brought in the same category (for his utterances on 8th July to pay his tributes to the slain terrorist BURHAN WANI. ).
(g)              The joint Indo US declaration was generic in nature with no specific. For example on terrorism the joint statement said “We shall fight terrorism UNITEDLY, every country supports this wherever Modi Ji you have visited.    


(a)              Modi Ji you cam face to face with XI – no interaction.
(b)              More than Lac people demonstrated against the G-20 summit there agenda was G-20 HAS BEEN AN IN EFFECTIVE ORGANISATION AND IS DEFUNCT. DO YOU AGREE OR NOT.

We have to decide
Are we Secular Indian / Liberal Indian or / Communal Indian
Stakes are high, are we the people of India Vigilant.

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