Saturday, April 25, 2020

Political Turmoil – 04 / 2020 26 April - 2020

Friends & Critics – On Convid - 19
An analysis – Background Information. During 2004 General Elections A political party had given a call “India Shining” A Economic Survey group of Mumbai carried out study, the result indicated that India can be sub divided :
A-    Club Class Economy - 3% Population. Which can be sub divided   (a)- Ultra Rich   (b) Mediocre Rich   (c)  Moderately Rich 
B-     Cycle Class Economy - 12% Population. That is middle class. Can be further divided into            (a) Upper Middle Class  (b) Middle class  (c) Lower Middle Class  
C-     Bullock Cart Economy – That is 85%. In that are poor, very poor, and bellow poverty line.
Often it is stated that high IMMUNITY is one of the reasons that keeps the individuals away from such sickness or pandemic. That class of people in Bullock Cart Economy maintain a very high level of immunity. They don’t depend on filter water or sophisticated eating joints. They eat at road side Thelas and have their tea from such road side Thelas. When it comes to drinking water they can drink from any hand pump or road side availability. Hence this class of nearly 90% of our population is with high IMMUNITY. That is the reason India has kept at the lower spectrum of Corona Virus – 19.  
We should not forget that in our country 3000 children die of malnutrition (below 5 years of age) and 500 people are killed every day in road accidents. Besides Diabetes, Cancer, Cardiac Arrest, Asthma etc. We should improve upon our medical infrastructure to save our small children from malnutrition and further go up in the ladder.
Undoubtedly supported by many systems we have so far kept the dreaded Covid – 19 well under control tc dkj.k gh ugh irk rks mldk fuokj.k dSlkA
An Appeal :- Govt., Govt Agencies, Media, Modi Media, have crated enough scare on Covid-19. Now is the time to lift all Curbs and restrictions impose, and let people live their life. Govt. should concern treat on better facilities, nedical up gradation and accelerate the process of inventing vaccine for the Covid-19.
a)      What Corona Shows Investment in public health will pay for themselves many times over.
b)      The Current World Disorder – for the post Coronavirus World, we will need to reinvent multilateralism Says – Indrani Bagchi.
c)      Hunger Or Disease ? – Emerging nations face an awful choice as it’s nearly impossible to socially distance and get food. Says – Ruchir Sharma an Economist